Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Why is the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy so much better than the Harry Potter Movies?

Cosmic_quest, you took the answer right out of my mouth. I think the screenwriting for Harry Potter has been deplorable and it's not because he is a bad screenwriter. He's just incapable of adapting Harry Potter because he has an Hermione agenda. People who have read the books will understand what I mean. He claims to love Hermione but completely changes her character from the books, giving her all of Ron's good lines and even though the actress who plays her isn't very good, he writes and gives her all the lines, has her solving everything and generally seems to want the movies to be renamed, Hermione Granger and the.... Of course, the directors are all for this so they can sex up this young girl in the movies and turn out the junk they do every year because they know Potter freaks are still going to go even though we complain and the general audience will not know what a potentially good movie they are missing if there was a screenplay writer who truly appreciated the books and the dynamics of the characters and cared like Peter Jackson did for LOTR. We Harry Potter fans do not have that and since he's coming back for the 6th instalment, apparently we never will.

It seems like none of the people care about the books, only the bottom line and it's very obvious by what they put on the screen and it shines through in the quality of the movies. Harry Potter is a huge phenomenon, they are really great books and even though they make a lot of money, are rolling in it in fact, they are not as critically successful as they should be and they do not make as much money at the box office as they should given the enormous success of the books and the main reason is that the people involved in the movie couldn't care less about sticking to the storyline. They just want to give us yet another cliched, contrived, sexed up, Hollywoodized movie. They don't get originality at all so they squish and modify until they have their usual cliched one-dimensional characters. Ugh, I hate the movies compared to the books. I loved LOTR. I wish we had a Peter Jackson version for Harry Potter but we don't so that's why LOTR is better. The story is a more adult and a little more complex as well but children movies usually do better at the box office so Harry Potter could be kicking LOTR's butt if they wrote a good movie.Why is the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy so much better than the Harry Potter Movies?
The LotR trilogy is written by scriptwriters who loved the books, directed by directors who loved the books, intended to be a great adaptation rather than a dumbed-down kiddie flick designed to sell merchendise and the actors are all wonderful.

The HP films, on the other hand, are scripted by a scriptwriter who has little clue of the books (if he isn't sexing up his favourite character of Hermione then he's dumbing down other characters), directed by folk who don't know the material, are aimed primarily at the under twelves and the bulk of the cast were given their roles based on their looks rather than whether they are talented enough.Why is the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy so much better than the Harry Potter Movies?
Because J.R.R.'s work is much richer material to work with than J.K.'s Also, LOTR had Peter Jackson directing. Jackson's attention to detail, his respect for the the spirit of the books, and his (mostly) doing his best to translate the story to films as is rather than giving it the ol' Hollywood rewrite treatment are some of the reasons the films are so great.

Can't wait to see what he can do with ';The Hobbit';, and would really like to see him tackle the Silmarillion some day.
better story!
because harry potter is a dumbed-down fantasy made to appeal to the masses of children and pre-pubescent kids.

for example - huffle puffle....wtf? author j.k. rowling (sorta like j.r.r. tolkien huh?) chooses a word then picks 8 other words that rhyme with it and creates names of things.

tolkien crafted LOTR and middle earth over decades. and he didnt aim his books at wee ones.
A lot of people think Harry Potter is better. But after all isn't Harry Potter a book for kids (and from there a movie for kids). Lord of the Rings just has more depth.
because LOTR has orlando bloom in it duh!!!!! + also you have to consider the fact that harry potter is meant for kids more than adults + LOTR is the other way around although kids can enjoy it too if they understand the story line.
The story can connect with more people, the director's view was stronger and more developted. The actor's preformance was better and more acute. The setting was far more beautiful. The especial effects were far more real. It was just a more developted project than Harry Potter. The preproduction was far more engineered than Harry Potter's.
They are written for different audiences.
Everyone has their opinion, however they have 2 different story lines, 2 different authors, 2 different directors / producers, 2 different age demographics, LOTR has been around since I was knee high to a grasshopper ( I am 34 ), and Harry has been around since my daughter was born. While there are several adults who do enjoy reading about Harry and his adventures with Ron and Hermoine, it is mostly targeted to a certain age demographic. Again, everyone has their opinion......
They are two different stories altogether, but LOTR represents worlds at war, cultures at war, ideas at war. Kind of like our own day to day struggles. It is also based in a time long long ago. We don't believe in magic as much as we try to believe in other worlds. Also, the audience is older, more mature, so the movie speaks volumes. Harry is fun, LOTR is moving.
I think one reasons is peter Jackson made lord of the rings and a lot of people i think don't like wizards and spells but that's my theory.
The Professor vs what's her name?

no comparison is necessary
Because the Lord of the Rings trilogy was made to appeal to a more mature demographic. The Harry Potters (the books and the movies) were made for kids, even though a good number of adults enjoy them. The Lord of the Rings is more complex and epic, better suited to adults.
They both have very good sorce material, but LotR had a better director who was very, very passionate about making his movies.
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